Many of us are now being bombarded by all of the noises coming from in and around the Replacement Harmon Train Yard and Croton Station. We believe the new buildings and tracks are causing all of the noises from the operation of the yard and station, and tracks to echo into our homes and community.
Some of these noises are more than just an inconvenient annoyance, but actually harmful to residents' health. The low hummmm that goes on uninterrupted (sometimes for weeks on end) is a type of "Infrasound" and is medically proven to cause headaches, tinnitus, sleep problems, heart issues, anxiety and stress.
It penetrates walls, windows, travels great distances and does not diminish. It has to be stopped at the source.
The elected officials from the town of Ossining have been working with Metro North Railroad employees for over two years to correct this serious problem. They are not getting the support they need to resolve it.
We know the yard can be silenced while continuing to run safely and on time. MNR hired it’s own parent company, the MTA, to provide a noise consultant who proved this is possible during the first of two noise tests. Every time the monitors were set out to capture the noise, it was silent. When the monitors were retrieved, the noise returned.
The town of Ossining also hired their own consultant which examined the MTA’s data and concluded that "What is evident, based on listening to the raw data is that the houses experience(s) prolonged, continuous low frequency sounds during periods of morning, day and night."
Read the noise test analysis here.
Read this report on the harmful effects of low frequency noise exposure-INFRASOUND.
Read this report from the WHO documenting seven categories of adverse health effects of noise pollution on humans.
Read this report from the Academy of Sciences on the adverse effects of sleep deprivation.
How the noises affect us..
The following are quotes from residents when asked about the physical and emotional affects the noise poisoning is having on them.
Not inviting family to visit because of concerns about the noise and its impact on them.
Concern about my grandchildren all under 5 who complain about the noise.
Chronic Headache which I never had before.
Jaw clenching – I even broke a tooth.
I’m 67% hearing loss yet the noise still keeps me awake at night.
We can’t sleep with the windows open. And the noise still keeps us awake.
Underlying sense of dread and feeling helpless about our quality of life.
I haven't gotten a full night's sleep in almost TWO years.
Having to use ear plugs, white noise machine, noise canceling headphones, supplements to
try to sleep.
I have to sleep on a mattress in my closet.
What needs to happen to stop the noises?
The number one solution is to stop trains from idling with their polluting engines running with penalties in place to enforce it. Conduct comprehensive noise study that will model all the noises to determine all of the sources. This needs to be conducted to determine how to eliminate all the causes.
Other possible solutions:​
Prohibit the use of the rails for any non passenger transiting trains between the hours of 10 pm and 6am.
Incorporate trackside power which can power trains being serviced without having to run noise and air polluting diesel engines all night long.
All trains entering and departing the station must be powered by electricity until they get to the Cortlandt manor station.
Modify existing buildings to absorb noise vs reflect noise.
Install noise walls track side to reduce noises coming up the croton river.
None of these will effect the safe and timely operations of the trains.
It is worth noting, that in 2003 MNR successfully worked with the residents of Croton to establish procedures to quiet the yard operations. So we know it can be done.